Review of Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez
Published: 2019
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Thought-provoking and eye-opening look at gender equality and social justice

Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men is a must-read for anyone interested in issues of gender equality and social justice. In this thought-provoking and eye-opening book, Caroline Criado Perez explores the concept of the gender data gap, or the lack of data collection and analysis on women and non-binary individuals. The book argues that this gap leads to discrimination and inequality for these groups, as the data that does exist is often biased towards men.

One of the most striking things about Invisible Women is the sheer breadth of examples that Criado Perez uses to illustrate the ways in which the gender data gap harms women and non-binary individuals. She looks at the impact of the gender data gap on healthcare, the workplace, and technology, and shows how it leads to a lack of understanding of women's health needs, a lack of recognition for the contributions of women and non-binary individuals in the workplace, and the development of products and services that are not designed with women in mind.

What I found particularly compelling about this book was the way in which Criado Perez makes the case for the importance of collecting and analyzing data on women and non-binary individuals. By highlighting the numerous ways in which the gender data gap leads to discrimination and inequality, she makes a strong argument for the need to close this gap in order to create a more equal and just society. She argues that by collecting and analyzing data on these groups, we can better understand and address their unique needs and experiences, and work towards a more inclusive and equitable world.

Overall, Invisible Women is a must-read for anyone interested in issues of gender equality and social justice. It offers a thought-provoking and eye-opening look at the ways in which the gender data gap impacts our world, and makes a compelling case for the importance of collecting and analyzing data on women and non-binary individuals.

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